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About Mandy Rose


Mandy Rose was born and raised in a one-stopsign town in Southern Alberta, to a cocktail of European immigrant families. She is considered a typical Canadian “mutt” by normal standards but is grateful for everything each heritage brings to her work and personality.  


She began drawing and reading at age four. Her first recognizable drawing was of a horse. She wrote her first book in third grade (to no one’s surprise, it was about a horse, called “Plum Loco.” The story has conveniently vanished). She spent her school years hiding in corners teaching herself to draw or in the library reading any book she could find. Doing anything but hanging out with real people, who terrified her.  


She was voted “most likely to become an artist” in her high school yearbook. 


She went to college for information technology/library sciences, because she lacked any recognizable social skills and just wanted to die surrounded by books.


Instead, she met a Nigerian prince, moved to England, got married, moved back to Canada and started having children.  She began drawing again several years after the birth of her first child and has continued filling in the gaps in her knowledge ever since. 


She is fascinated by rural life and how closely it subsists with the past. She loves people and animals and the relationship between them. Her favourite artistic element is the play of light and shadow and how the two intertwine/can’t subsist without the other.  


She lives in Southern Alberta with her family, where she eats too much chocolate, and is no longer terrified of people, especially if they have dogs.


The Artist's Mind

I am fascinated by the past, and how it bleeds into the present. I live in a rural area, where the past is a constant part of our daily life. It’s all around us even as we move into the future, and the dichomoty presents endless opportunities for exploration in art. 


I am fascinated by light and shadow. I am always trying to find the intersection between the two, and recreate the myriad shades of grey in between them.  


Most of all, I love stories--reading them, looking at them, imagining them, and trying to create them.

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